Saturday 23 April 2016


You can interpret the title of this blog in whichever way you'd like. My first thought is that it's the equivalent to "wake the fuck up" or "grow the fuck up" or "human the fuck up". You know, probably the same way that "carb the fuck up" is meant, figuratively speaking.

Non-vegans like to disagree with vegans -- as as initial reaction. Because after a while, if they care enough about the arguments and statements they are spurting out, they will come to the realization that veganism actually is the answer. No matter the question.

It can be hard to wrap your head around the fact that the human kind has actually found a fucking answer that sticks. Not only does it solve several problems (global warming, animal torture/rape/slaughter, obesity, heart disease etc.) -- IT DOESN'T INVOLVE ANY NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS. It's liberating, guilt-free, and delicious. We humans aren't used to this. We're used to quick-fixes like calorie restricting to lose weight (which makes you thinner by starving your body from necessary nutrients, and/or makes you gain weight from not having the so-called "willpower" to deny your body exactly what it needs in order to keep alive) or taking medication with numerous side effects (and a freaking price tag) to overcome diseases caused by poor diets.

Okay I got carried away just then. The purpose of this blog is basically just to answer the questions I get surrounding veganism in my everyday life, and to respond to the stupid arguments and statements I receive (or read online) talking against the vegan lifestyle. The goal of this blog is to help people move from the initial state of disagreement towards final realization and understanding quicker so that the rest of us don't have to listen to their bullshit for any longer than necessary.

I hope you'll all enjoy, and that non-vegans will be motivated to make a change with their lifestyle from the poorer to the better -- for themselves; the animals; and the planet (i.a. the rest of us).